Legacy Society
The Legacy Society recognizes patrons who name The Carson Center as a beneficiary in a will, or other planned giving instrument.
Set the stage for audiences of the future with a gift to the Endowment!
The Carson Center changes lives through the transformative power of live performance. Children who see today’s shows will one day bring their own children and grandchildren here to experience Broadway musicals, famous entertainers, drama, dance, and great music. We are passionate about preserving the legacy of superior performing arts and arts education in our community for generations to come. If you want to sustain inspirational, accessible experiences at The Carson Center, we invite you to be a part of the Legacy Society and/or the Encore Society.
These prestigious societies honor patrons who invest in the future of their center by giving to the Endowment. The return on investment will help to sustain The Carson Center for generations to come - making the nation's best performing artists accessible to the Four Rivers region, educating our children, and providing an unparalleled quality of life.
People of all ages and incomes can make gifts to the Endowment and enjoy the distinction of belonging to the Encore Society, Legacy Society, or both. Most gifts are cumulative, making it possible to start or continue giving now with further recognition as giving continues.
The Carson Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions are fully tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
The Legacy Society recognizes patrons who name The Carson Center as a beneficiary in a will, or other planned giving instrument.
The Encore Society recognizes patrons who give cash, stock, or other assets or make irrevocable planned gifts.
Spotlight Gold Level: $50,000 or greater
Bronze Level: $10,000 to $49,000
For more information about supporting The Carson Center please contact Sara Crabtree at 270.450.4444 or scrabtree@thecarsoncenter.org